Cosmetic Services
Kybella - Defining the Jawline
Kybella was approved by the FDA in 2016 for reducing submental fullness, or the gathering of excess fat beneath the chin, commonly known as “double chin.” It can be something you’ve had your whole life due to genetics or start to appear as you get older or if you gain weight.
Kybella is a synthetic formulation of deoxycholic acid, a substance our body naturally produces to dissolve fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.
Most patients need 2-4 treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart. Treatments are quick and relatively painless. There is no downtime, however you will be swollen, and potentially bruised, for approximately 3-5 day after the treatment. It is best to plan the procedure 2 weeks before an event.